Podcast Young Leaders Should Follow

Podcast Young Leaders Should Follow

In addition to books, webinars and speaking events, podcasts have become increasingly popular in the leadership toolkit with 37% of Americans listening to podcasts monthly.

Here are a few leadership podcasts we recommend for young leaders rising up in their career:

Craig Groeschel’s Leadership Podcast: This monthly podcast breaks down leadership skills in quick, 20-minute episodes that are easy to digest. Some topics I found most beneficial include “Becoming a Leader People Love to Follow,” “Becoming a Leader Who Anticipates,” “Leading Through Crisis” and “Leading From the Middle.” Each episode can add value to your leadership skills but these episodes seemed especially relevant during this time of uncertainty with COVID-19. I also enjoyed the “Q&A with Michael Hyatt: Vision for the Future” episode which focused on the importance of always leading with vision during turbulent times.

Another great perk of Craig’s podcast is the Leadership Guides sent directly to your inbox when a new episode is launched. These are two-page summaries with key points of the episode and linked resources - I like to send these to coworkers or friends I think would enjoy the content but may not listen to podcasts regularly (...yet).

Michael Hyatt’s Lead to Win Podcast: This is a weekly podcast focused on leadership lessons for lasting success. The topics are more specific to lessons such as communicating sensitive information, how to elevate your public speaking and rituals to start and end your day.

Rachel Hollis’ RISE Podcast: The RISE Podcast tailors content to women entrepreneurs, small business owners and young leaders. Rachel is motivational and not only focuses on how to be a better business person or leader but also on how to balance work and home life, stay healthy mentally and physically and control your mindset. She also has a few books, The Rise App, the Start Today Journal, weekly newsletters and more that create a full-circle coaching approach for leaders.

These podcasts are also available on your favorite podcast apps, too!